Hey friends! Donny Cates here. I find myself once again on my back porch, sitting and writing in the sun, dying of allergies because i am so very much a dumb idiot from Texas who likes to be outside when he writes. In the woods next and all around me the cicadas scream their little love songs and surprisingly they mix rather nicely into and over the King Arthur and the Legend of the Sword soundtrack that I'm jamming to.
(shoutout once again to composer Daniel Pemberton. For real, the King Arthur Soundtrack is brilliant. It's what I write almost all of Thor to. Go check it out)
Anyway, I only bring that soundtrack thing up because I'm always asked what I jam to when I write, and the answer is that it's always different. Different songs for different books. Different soundtracks or scores for different moods.
Today i have the Legend of the Sword soundtrack on becaue it's my go to when i need to get fucking serious.
It's what I play when my back is against the wall. when a deadline is closing in. When I have to run that last quarter mile until I fall down. When I need another half hour on the drum set.
And today....well, i need it today because yesterday i almost fucking died and today I have to get up and do this again.
You see....when we launched this yesterday....we had NO IDEA HOW POPULAR this was going to be. Honestly, the amount of you that have signed up is simply astonishing. It's....well....
It's fucking great!!!
You know, you guys are all so incredibly supportive and great and you say things like "thank you for the books" and stuff, but as sweet as that statement is, it's just not true.
Because the truth is, the books DO NOT EXIST WITHOUT YOU!!
We should always, always always, be the ones thanking all of you. Because we don't get to do this, to have these lives, to support our families, to have the fun, insane life we are having.....without you.
So. Hey.
Thank you. From the bottom of all of our very tired hearts. Thank you.
Okay! Business time. Hey, remember when we all got NAKED FOR YOUR PLEASURE:
Well, guess what? There's more where that came from!
Wait. No. not the naked part....i just meant the...
Look, there's plenty of cool shit still coming!!! An almost endless supply of things to entice you to sign up and subscribe!!!
Which brings me to.....Ryan.
Ryan is on vacation right now. Which means he's with his beautiful wife and boys having a wonderful time as we all kill ourselves making this Substack for you.
Ryan. If you can read this wherever you are, I ask you--nay, DEMAND you to not only write the next post of this Substack, but to include some ORIGINAL NEVER BEFORE SEEN ART from VANISH for the beautiful people that have supported us.
(When he wakes up, I'm sure he'll do it, guys. It just might be a while)
Thank you guys so much for joining our weird little naked pirate ship. This is going to be so much fun.
Kids Love Chains. And we love you.
Everything from the live show has this sounding even better then expected, going to be sick to see how this evolves #goated
I love hearing writing tips like your soundtrack of choice. Good stuff. I look forward to interacting with you guys.